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Step into your power to find a sense of direction…

stay focused and inspired; increase your creativity and confidence; reduce your stress;
gain greater resilience…and live up to your highest potential.

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Upcoming Events:

Free Online Seminar

Dream Power: Let your dreams solve your problems!

If it’s on your mind the dreaming mind will be solving it.  

Date: Sunday 28th July, 2024 Time: 9.30 – 11.30AM ACST (Aust Time) 

Everyone Welcome! 

Online Support Session 

Group Dream Coaching: Followup practical for the “Dream Power Seminar”

Discover what your dreams want you to know!

Date: Saturday 17th August, 2024 Time: 9.30 – 11.30AM ACST (Adelaide Time)  

Everyone Welcome!

Free Online Seminar

Getting Unstuck: Freeing ourselves from inner conflicts…we’ve all got them!

Reinvent yourself by learning how to harness the powerful energy hidden in your inner conflicts.

Date: Saturday 24th August, 2024 Time: 1.30 – 3.30PM ACST (Aust Time) 

Everyone Welcome!

Free Online Seminar

Tackling Tough Times: Without feeling “cooked”

Resolve your challenges without being burdened by them.

Date: Sunday 25th August, 2024 Time: 9.30 – 11.30AM ACST (Aust Time)

Everyone Welcome!

Free Online Seminar

Unpacking Our Dilemmas: Knowing when to act and when to let things be 

Make peace with difficult decisions.  

Date: Sunday 8th September, 2024 Time: 9.30 – 11.30AM ACST (Aust Time) 

Everyone Welcome!

Free Online Seminar

Reclaiming Ourselves: Why we don’t hear what we need to know 

Discover what you couldn’t see before! 

Date: Sunday 29th September, 2024 Time: 9.30 – 11.30AM ACST (Aust Time) 

Everyone Welcome!

Free Online Seminar

Thriving Through Transitions: How to harness your full potential in times of change

Transitions are not just about change.

Date: Sunday 3rd November, 2024 Time: 9.30 – 11.30AM ACDT (Aust Time)

Everyone Welcome!

“Inspiring Discussions” Online Meetup Group

Third Sunday in the month – Ongoing    

Time: 9.30 -11.00AM ACST (Adelaide Time)

Topics will explore practical ways to access soul power and claim our inner strength.

Information will be a blend of psychology, mindfulness and spirituality (broad universal principles).

Everyone Welcome!

“Empower Yourself” Online Discussion Group  

Thursday nights weekly – Ongoing

Time: 7 – 9PM ACST (Adelaide Time)  

First Hour: Dream Work – followup support for the “Dream Power Seminar”.

Second Hour: Soul Power Discussion – open to everyone.

You are welcome to come to either or both sessions, if you prefer.

Everyone Welcome!  

In-Person Seminar  

Demystifying How to Be: It’s simpler than you think! 

Free yourself from your personal fiction.      

Date: Saturday 10th  August, 2024 Time: 1.00 – 3.00PM (Adelaide Time)  

Venue: The Mitcham Memorial Library, 154 Belair Road, Hawthorn South Australia 

Everyone Welcome!

Please remember to include your state, if you would like to be kept informed of upcoming events. This will ensure that you are also on the right data base for in-person events.

Disclaimer: Information in all events is of a general nature only and does not constitute personalised advice.

“I’ve done lots of workshops and retreats
but all the fundamentals are here!” – Margie

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